fair warning: this site is only usable on laptop

where would you want to go ?

UPDATES: 5/5/24
hi!! I updated the sketchbook page to show now more pages instead of only the recent one, and I moved my contacts to the about me page

there's nothing here

Hi i'm gisselle or you might know me as sleepy_doodler lol. I'm 19 years old and i'm a mexican-american artist :) I create artworks based off my personal life with me just dealing with my mental health or any problems I have with my body.


these were from my portfolios from high school and the first 12 are from 2022 and the rest are from 2023

𖦹 2022's theme was my emotions and progression of dealing with the diagnoses of narcolepsy and sleep paralysis

𖦹 2023's theme was the stages of grief while trying to let go of my childhood